
I never tear during work.

It suck… Totally..

With hope , with passion, with confidence.
Stay positive and move forward.

I love this picture.
Good night!


Passion song by Jaeson Ma
So motivated.

You see
Everyone single one of us
was born to live with a Passion

Here’s a question
The question is whether you got
What it takes

You see inside your heart
Everyone questions ourselves

We got Fears
We got Anxieties
We got Doubts

We’re afraid of failing
And we do not know
If we are able to do
What we set in out hearts to do

But I’m here to tell you
Right now it doesn’t matter
Whether you got fear or not
What matters is whether you do it

Because failure is where you don’t try at all
But if you try it is because you got Passion

I got Passion



You see this is what Passion means to me.
Passion means waking up at five in the morning
When my body doesn’t feel like it

It means running that extra mile

It means doing what you don’t wanna do
But you do it.

Because you know it’s going to
Take you there

Passion is Endurance
Passion is Suffering

You see you are not passionate about it
Unless you are willing to suffer for it
for IT

What was God so passionate about it
That he was willing to send his Son
To suffer and die on a Cross?

I’ll tell you
He was passionate about you.
You are God’s Passion


Don’t ask yourself what the World needs
Ask yourself
What makes you come Alive

And then
Go and do that
Because what the world needs
Is people who have come alive
Who have found their Passion

You see the World is waiting for
Someone who is willing to Live
With Passion
So they can follow Suit
Don’t follow Success
Follow your Passion

When you find your Passion

Success will follow
Money will follow
Others will follow

You got to follow the lead
Because you were created
To Live with

Sending Caleb off was really not an easy task for everyone.
Lots of emotions were poured out.

Right now I just want to work really hard.
Shut up and start working.
Caleb motivates me.
Let’s work hard together!

2011 is coming

It’s coming to the year end
What to aim for?
I’ve always aiming to be better each time.
So I guess it’ll stay the same!

I wanna post more of my audio clip up. πŸ˜€

Working on my compression and vocal and whatsoever. Did it with ε¦‚ζžœζ²‘ζœ‰δ½  nice nice song.
First time sharing my vocal here =) Two clips! Same song!

P.S: The first clip chorus was a bit off cause well, i’m not very familiar with the song YET. But I hope you still appreciate it. Thank you =)

no editing was done. Straight from my voice recorder. =)

It just hurt so much to see your love ones in tears.
I swear I will exchange anything for their tears.


A tiny speck of droplet can cause one’s world to be destroyed.

Never want to see it..

Sick of getting consolation.
But I didn’t expect much from this competition from the start.
But.. why so many cock ups?
It’s worse than my normal performances.

I wanna perform more, more exposure.
But.. I need to be better at the same time.

Minny is leaving soon how??
I’m suddenly lost.

How long more?

It’s been 5 years now.
I want the things i’m doing to pay off.
I’m almost up for 16 hours average a day.
If I don’t get my effort paid off, even a little, I need a breather soon.
I want to earn through what I do now.
I can’t always depend on my family.
God, how long more?

My birthday is screwed up by audition that I see NO chance of being selected.
Just emailed them to hope for some changes.
Even if date were to be change, I still see NO chance of me getting in.


I need to see the light, the hope and keep the fire burning.
I’m improving in my vocals.
When can I start walking the path that I want to walk.

3 more days.
I’m counting.
I don’t feel at all excited.